Log Stacking Kit - Nga rākau porowhita mo te hanga atu
The log stacking kit is made up of various sizes of tree branches. Children are able to use their imagination to create, construct and build various structures with the natural resources. The varied sizes of logs that come in the kit provide a lot of opportunities for social skills and communication to develop as well.
Examples of uses:
Children are able to use the natural stacking logs to build their own creations. Because of the size of the kit children are able to build elaborate structures on their own, include others in their play and also construct alongside others.
Items included:
The Log Stacking Kit comes at least 4kgs of logs, with approximately 50 natural logs in an easy to store drawstring canvas bag.
Te Whāriki:
- Te Whariki Principle: Holistic Development
- Strand: Exploration | Mana aoturoa
- Goals: Children learn strategies for active exploration
- Learning outcomes: Using a range of strategies for reasoning and problem solving, especially in construction projects.