Natural Threading Set - Tatai taiao mo te mahi muka
The Natural Threading Set is made of leather string and three ready to thread resources. This kit gives children the opportunity to learn how to thread, problem solve and persist. The natural resource also provides children opportunities to learn about the world around them.
Examples of uses:
The Natural Threading Set is designed as a small group activity where children are given the opportunity to learn how to thread or practice a skill they are acquiring.
Items included:
The Natural Threading Set comes in an easy to store cardboard tray. The set comes with three seasonal resources such as predrilled wood rounds and shells on leather string.
Te Whāriki:
- Te Whariki Principle: Holistic Development
- Strand 4: Exploration | Mana aoturoa
- Goals: Children gain confidence in and control of their bodies
- Learning outcomes: Moving confidently and challenging themselves - children puzzle over and make sense of the world, using such strategies as solving problems, looking for patterns and classifying.