Sorting Set

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  • Regular price $65.00

Sorting Set – Tatai whakaraupapa

The Sorting Set gives children the opportunity to practice skills such as sorting, categorising and counting. Children are able to practice their fine motor skills by using the tongs provided to sort the four different items into the beautiful wooden bowls provided. As the items are similar this activity can provide a challenge for children. 


Examples of uses:

The sorting set is designed for use by one or two children so that they can get the most out of the experience. Children are able to learn to take turns, communicate with each other and distinguish between different items with this activity.


Items included:

The Sorting Set contains four wooden bowls, two metal tongs and the seasonal natural resources; shells, stones, pumice and wood rounds. A cardboard storage tray comes with the kit which for an additional cost can be changed for a wooden tray. 


Te Whāriki:
  • Te Whariki Principle: Holistic Development
  • Strand: Exploration | Mana aoturoa
  • Goals: Children gain confidence in and control of their bodies
  • Learning outcomes: Moving confidently and challenging themselves - children puzzle over and make sense of the world, using such strategies as solving problems, looking for patterns and classifying.